Oily Skin care Treatment
There are different kinds of skin textures that people have. Some people are blessed to have normal skin which has a balanced oil and dry combination while other skin types are oily, dry and combination skin. Every type of skin has its characteristic feature. While dry skin ends up looking dull and cracked and needs moisturizing when it is cold and dry, the oily skin needs to be looked after as it is prone to develop acne and become ugly. Among all the skin types, those who have oily skin suffer the most during their puberty and even in later years, this kind of skin is sure to trap dirt due to the oil content and leads to the formation of whiteheads, blackheads, pimples and so forth.
Causes Of Oily Skin
Oily skin is usually the genetic makeup of a person for which the sebum cells which secrete oily under the outer skin layer secrete excess oil to moisturize the skin above. The causes for oily skin are several:- Genetics is the main reason for one having oily skin. If parents have oily skin, the children are likely to develop oily skin as well. Oily skin is characterized by larger sebaceous glands that lie below the skin cells and secrete excess oil.
- Often the overuse of skin care products, such as harsh cleansing product, exfoliation and scrubbing may lead to excess oil being secreted by the sebaceous glands and leading to oily skin
- Seasonal variation also has a lot to do with skin types. If there is high level of heat and humidity, there will be a rise in the oil production in the skin in order to protect the skin from the heat and the sun. Again, when the air is dry in winter, the skin gets dehydrated and the oil secreted is required to compensate for the dryness felt.
- Oily skin could also be caused by birth control or other hormonal control pills. Any medication could causes dehydration and that would lead to an excess oil secretion in order to compensate for the dryness felt
- Stress also has a role to play. The androgen hormones lead to more oil production when the body is stressed and that could lead to excess oil on the skin.
Symptoms Of Oily Skin

• The oily skin will have a shine on it especially when the sun or the heat leads to sweating
• The pores are larger on such skin
• The blemishes or the blackheads that form on this skin make it easy to spot
• The skin often has a coarse texture specially with age
• Oily skin is usually full of blemishes specially if one has acne when they were young
• Acne scars are predominant on such skin
Simple Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Oily Skin
1. Cleansing Routine
The one way to keep oily skin under control is to have a proper cleaning ritual set up. This has to be followed with regularity.• A mild soap should be used to wash the face at least two to three times in a day
• If one has been out, the face and the neck should be washed after coming in from outdoors
• If the rest of the body has oily skin too, proper cleaning should be done with mild soap during bath
2. Use Of Astringent And Toner
It is necessary not only to wash one’s face but to follow the three step process:• One needs to use an astringent to remove the dirt on the surface
• After that a mild soap or face wash should be used and the face washed with tepid water
• The toner should be used to close the pores after the face is dried
3. Use Of Water Based Moisturizer
• Those who have oily skin usually stay away from moisturizer as their skin is oily• After washing the face and body, one could apply a water based moisturizer to retain the moisture content in the body
4. Use Of Sunscreen
The sun is known to play havoc on the skin. It dries up the skin and makes the sebaceous glands secrete excess oil.• It is important to use water based sunscreen to protect oneself from the sun
• The sunscreen should be chosen such that it does not clog up the pores and lead to formation of pimples
5. Diet Changes
It has been seen that a lot depends on the diet that one follows. If
one has oily skin, one has to take care of the following points:• Fried food and fatty food leads to excess oil secretion on the skin
• Intake of high calorie or sweet food items also increases the chances of excess oil and pimple formation
6. Intake Of Fresh Fruits And Vegetables
• It is necessary to consume a balanced diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables• Food that is lightly cooked and nutritious will go a long way to maintain healthy looking skin
7. Fluid Intake
The skin develops pimples due to the clogged pores which are covered with dirt and grime. If the blood circulation is increased then the detoxification process shows its results on one’s face.• It is beneficial to drink lots of water to flush out toxin
• Fluid such as fresh fruit juices and others help to keep the skin hydrated an cool
8. Caffeinated Beverages To Be Avoided
• Intake of caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee needs to be moderated• These drinks heat up the system and cause excess oil to be secreted
9. Carbonated Drinks To Be Avoided
• Drinks like fizzy drinks and others high on sugar content should be avoided• Sweet and carbonated drinks are often linked to pimple formation on oily skin
10. White Flour Based Food Products Should Be Avoided
White flour based food products usually consist of easy carbs that load up and increase the blood sugar levels in the body. It is better to opt for the whole grain versions like:
• Multi gain or whole grain bread, pasta or brown rice consisting of complex carbs and fibers
• These food items provide the necessary fiber to the system which also helps to detoxify the system
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