Remove Your Dark Spot
Major causes that results in the formation of dark spots on face are:
- Exposure of sun
- Aging
- Genetic disorders / hormonal shifts
- Menopause or pregnancy
- Stress
- Improper skin care
- Liver problems / weakness
- Hyper pigmentation of the skin
- Lack of some vitamins like Vitamin C or Vitamin B12
- Smoking
- Cancer
- Dermatitis
- Diabetes
Some of the natural homemade tips to reduce dark spots are as follows:
Wondering how to remove dark spots? Here are some simple and easy treatments that can be done with your kitchen ingredients, using which you can easily remove the dark brown spots naturallyLemon Juice
Lemon juice acts as an organic bleaching agent because of its natural acidity property, which helps you in lightening the dark spots on your skin. The bleaching property helps you in getting rid of any kind of spots.You can simply squeeze out some juice out of a lemon and apply it directly on the dark spot by dipping a cotton ball in the lemon juice. Let it rest for about half an hour and rinse it off with cold water. Repeat this at least two times a day. It takes 2 months for you to see positive results.
One more option to remove brown spots is to apply lemon juice with some sugar dissolved in it on to the affected skin area. Leave it on for about half an hour before rinsing it off. This way you can even remove age spots as well.
Lactic acid present in buttermilk is very good for your skin. Brown spots can be removed with the help of buttermilk. Apply some buttermilk on your brown spots with the help of a cotton swab and let it rest on for a couple of minutes and then wash it with plain water. If you are having oily skin or acne then, add a little lemon juice to the buttermilk before applying. Otherwise you can try mixing 4 tsps of buttermilk with 2 tsps of tomato juice before applying on the affected area. The spots start to fade by doing this regularly.
Yogurt helps you to lighten brown spots in a natural way. Apply plain
yogurt directly on the age spots and let it to dry for 20 minutes and
then wash it with cold water. To get results instantly apply yogurt on
the dark spots before going sleeping and leave it overnight. You can
make a face pack by mixing 1 tbsp of plain yogurt, 2 tbsp of oatmeal
powder and 1 tsp of fresh lemon juice. Apply this pack onto the affected
skin and leave it for about half an hour. Apply any moisturizer, after
rinsing it off with cold water. Repeat this every day for 1 – 2 months
to get best results.Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is an effective remedy for healing skin stings, burns and brown spots. It acts as a lubricant and nourishes rashes and blackheads. Rub fresh aloevera gel / oil gently on the dark spots. Allow it to stay for about 45 min before rinsing it off with cold water. Repeat this procedure two times a day for one month. Simultaneously, you can also take 2 tablespoons of aloevera juice everyday on an empty stomach for quick results.Castor Oil
Castor oil is another great remedy to remove dark spots. It has got strong healing properties, which can help you get rid of age spots effectively. Apply castor oil with a clean cotton ball twice in a day, once in the morning and once at night respectively. Now massage it gently over the affected area for a couple of minutes. You can also use coconut oil, Vitamin E oil, almond oil or olive oil to cure dark spots. This method also helps you make the skin tone even.Sandalwood
Sandalwood is a best antiseptic and also acts as an anti-aging agent. You can make a pack at home with some sandalwood powder, glycerin, rose water and lemon juice. Apply this homemade pack on the brown skin patches and leave it to dry on its own. Wash it off with cold water. Following this every day will eliminate dark spots on skin. Massage the affected skin area with sandalwood oil once in the night and leave it overnight for better results.Horseradish
It is an extraordinary herb, which makes your skin spotless by removing age spots and freckles. Make horseradish paste and apply it onto the affected skin directly. You can also use it by mixing grated horseradish with buttermilk or apple cider vinegar in a glass container and leaving the mixture to rest for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, strain it apply the mixture on the affected area with the help of a cotton ball. Continue this remedy 3 times daily for one month and you’ll notice the brown spots fade away.You can also try combining of horseradish with vinegar and honey. Apply an SPF, as these ingredients make your skin very sensitive to Ultra Violet rays.
Papaya contains certain enzymes that help you in getting rid of skin blemishes, age spots, and acne. Rub grated fresh raw papaya on the dark brown spots. Allow it to stay for about 20 minutes, later rinse the affected skin with lukewarm water. This makes your skin look more cleaner and brighter. Repeat this remedy 2 times every day until the spots lightens.Red Currants
This helps you remove brown spots naturally. Mix 1/4 cup of mashed red currants (unripe) with one tablespoon of honey. Now apply this mixture on your skin affected with dark spots and let it rest. After half an hour wash it off with warm water and dab some diluted lemon juice. You can also make a mixture with equal proportions of red currant juice, orange juice, parsley juice and lemon juice. Repeat it once daily to get rid of your dark spots.Onion Juice
Apply onion juice to remove age spots. Rub some onion slices over the affected skin area twice or thrice a day. Red onion acts as a bleaching agent that helps the dark brown spots to fade, because of its acidic nature. Otherwise you can mix 1 tbsp of onion juice with 2 tbsps of honey and apply this mixture on the dark spots for about 15 minutes. Thoroughly wash the affected area to remove the strong smell of this mixture. You can try using garlic juice along with onion juice.Sugar Cube
Scrub the dark skin patches with sugar cube and scratch the dead skin gently. Glycolic acid, a natural chemical peel that is present in the sugar helps in remove the dark spots naturally. You can use sugar cubes to exfoliate the blemishes present on your skin.Rose water
Use rose water on the dark spot on your skin, to lighten it. You can mix rose water with some sandalwood powder to make a smooth paste and apply it on your skin to diminish, lighten or fade out the blemishes away.Honey or Raw Potato Juice
Massaging with raw potato juice and honey on the dark spot is a good option to make the dark spots to fade from your skin. You can even apply vitamin E oil to massage on the affected area. This method helps you remove whiteheads present on your skin.Tomato juice
Tomato juice combined with lemon juice is a best home remedy to lighten up blemishes, freckles, dark spots, dark pigmentation and discoloration. Taking this juice once in a day will provide an efficient solution for brown spots.Water
Water helps you in removing dark skin spots, freckles and melasma. You must drink six to eight glasses of water every day to get rid of harmful toxins from the body and maintains the skin moisture, and makes the spots fade away gradually.Remember that the root cause of dark spots formation is ultraviolet rays of the sun, so it is essential to guard your skin from sunlight. So always apply an SPF / sunscreen lotion before going out in hot sun. This can be an efficient natural melasma treatment.
Regardless of which home remedy you choose, you have be dedicated and regular in following the remedy. Regular application will help you notice your dark skin patches fading soon. You just need to give some time and wait patiently for the homemade treatment to work and remove the brown spots from the face, and other parts of the body.
Let’s conclude this with the note that the above mentioned home remedies will help you get rid of dark spots, without any side effects.
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